Architectural Designer

Brazilian designer currently pursuing a Master of Architecture degree at the University of Pennsylvania | Weitzman School of Design. While expressing my diverse cultural and artistic identity, I explore the richness of material textures and spatial qualities through clean lines and exquisite forms.

Joao Freitas

  • Professional
    Oza Sabbeth Architects
    Residential - Renovation
    Sag Harbor, NY
    5,000 sq. ft.

    AIA Peconic - Daniel J. Rowen Design Awards | Merit Award
    - AIA Long Island - ARCHI Award | Historic Restoration/Adaptive Reuse
    - HC&G - Innovation in Design Awards | Finalist in Interior Design
    - Interior Design Magazine - Best of the Year Awards | Finalist in Large Residential Transformation

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  • Academic
    Fall 2021
    Public Housing
    Brooklyn, NY
    50,000 sq. ft.

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  • Professional
    Oza Sabbeth Architects
    Residential - New Built
    East Hampton, NY
    3,000 sq. ft.

    - AIA Long Island - ARCHI Award | Excellence in Architecture
    - AIA Peconic - Daniel J. Rowen Design Awards | Honor Award

    - NYTimes
    - Dezeen

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Press & Awards

Interior Design Magazine - Best of the Year Awards | Finalist in Large Residential Transformation | Brick Kiln
- HC&G - Innovation in Design Awards | Finalist in Interior Design | Brick Kiln
Wallpaper Magazine - Oza Sabbeth’s ‘radical reimagination’ of a Hamptons house | Brick Kiln
- Pressing Matters 11 | Playscape Villagio
Henrybuilt - Architectural Accord | Brick Kiln
Plain Magazine - This East Hampton Home is a Series of Sprawling Volumes Interspersed with Courtyards | Lilla Lane

Dezeen - Oza Sabbeth Architects tops Hamptons house with pyramidal roofs | Lilla Lane
NYTimes - One Frustrated Hamptons Buyer Opts for an Alternative: Build It Yourself | Lilla Lane
AIA Long Island - ARCHI Award | Excellence in Architecture | Lilla Lane
- AIA Peconic - Daniel J. Rowen Design Awards | Honor Award | Lilla Lane
- Pressing Matters 10 | Hermetic Evocation

- Frank Miles Day Memorial Prize - Best essay in courses in history & theory of architecture | University of Pennsylvania
- AIA Long Island - ARCHI Award | Historic Restoration/Adaptive Reuse | Brick Kiln
- AIA Peconic - Daniel J. Rowen Design Awards | Merit Award | Brick Kiln
- Schenk-Woodman Competition - Honorable Mention - Outlaw | University of Pennsylvania

2015 - 2020
Kohn Endowed Fellowship in Architecture | University of Pennsylvania
- Davis Projects for Peace - Network for the Homeless in Sao Paulo | SCAD
- Student Success Grant | SCAD
- Academic Honors Scholarship | SCAD